Results for 'Joselane Ramos Magalhães Bertolino'

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  1.  5
    Urbanização: movimentos socioespaciais e o surgimento da esquistossomose: reflexos na sociedade.Joselane Ramos Magalhães Bertolino, Carlos Alexandre de Bortolo & Nídia Francisca de Figueiredo Carneiro - 2024 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 26 (1):52-72.
    A higiene dos espaços e o interesse em uma vida mais saudável levou pesquisadores a examinar a relação entre saúde, meio ambiente e movimentos socioespaciais na proliferação de doenças como a esquistossomose. As migrações de pessoas por melhores oportunidades de trabalho e acesso a serviços de saúde podem impactar na distribuição geográfica dessas doenças. O cenário de doenças de veiculação hídricas, devido à falta de saneamento básico e migrações tem sido uma preocupação da sociedade e órgãos ambientais, pois, podem influenciar (...)
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    Teoria do apego: elementos para uma concepção sistêmica da vinculação humana.Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes, Simone Souza da Costa Silva, Marilice Garotti & Celina Maria Colino Magalhães - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:67-79.
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    Institucionalização precoce e prolongada de crianças: discutindo aspectos decisivos para o desenvolvimento.Lília Iêda Chaves Cavalcante, Celina Maria Colino Magalhães & Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:20-34.
  4. Человек — «гражданин двух миров»: развитие Розенцвейгом кантовских тем.Luca Bertolino - 2014 - Кантовский Сборник. Научный Журнал (4 (50)):82-97.
  5. L'arte del dialogo nel café philo.Guido Brivio & Luca Bertolino - 2016 - Teoria 36 (1):151-169.
    The paper aims to present the proprium dialogicum of the café philo. In theoretical terms, the philosophical dialogue in the café philo can be recognized as discursive rationality and play of the faculties ruled by the logistikon, as an exercise of critical thinking, as an endless quest of meaning, and finally as a way of life. All those theoretical acquisitions are tested by the comparison with results from one year of praxis of café philo, part of the Diderot Project supported (...)
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    Comentários e pensamentos.Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães - 2001 - Londrina: Editora UEL.
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    Rosenzweig Jahrbuch / Rosenzweig Yearbook: Gebet, Praxis, Erlösung / Prayer, Praxis, Redemption.Irene Kajon & Luca Bertolino (eds.) - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Der Band untersucht die drei Grundbegriffe von Gebet, Praxis, Erlösung – so ist das Gebet selbst eine Praxis, eine Handlung. Genauer genommen ist es eine auf Erlösung gerichtete Praxis, die von Liebe, Uneigennützigkeit und Großzügigkeit getragen ist. Meistens findet das Gebet in persönlichen Beziehungen oder in der Geschichte statt und kann als kontemplative Haltung theoretisch begründet werden.
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    Uma introdução ao BBT: um método projetivo para a clarificação da inclinação profissional; An introduction to BBT: a projective method for clarification of professional preferences.Mauro de Oliveira Magalhães - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 15:103-110.
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  9. Prospettive filosofiche sulla pace. Atti del Colloquio. Torino, 15 aprile 2008 / Philosophical Perspectives on Peace. Proceedings of the Symposium. Turin, April 15th, 2008.Andrea Poma & Luca Bertolino (eds.) - 2008 - Trauben.
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    Sanuel Ramos: trayectoria filosófica y anología de textos.Samuel Ramos & Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle - 1965 - Centro de Estudios Humanísticos de la Universidad de Nuevo León.
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    La filosofía realista y naturalista de John Dewey: contribuciones para una epistemología en la actualidad.Edna Maria Magalhães do Nascimento - 2017 - Educação E Filosofi 31 (62):909-942.
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    Heterotopias urbanas: Espaços de poder e estratégias sócio-espaciais dos Sem-Teto no Rio de Janeiro.Tatiana Tramontani Ramos - 2010 - Polis 27.
    O artigo é uma tentativa de aproximação entre das lutas travadas pelo movimento dos sem-teto no Rio de Janeiro e a idéia de heterotopia assim como foi elaborada e (pouco) desenvolvida por Michel Foucault. As estratégias desse movimento, suas formas de reapropriação e resignifiação dos espaços urbanos, poderiam ser identificadas, nesse quadro teórico, como contribuições para a criação e manutenção de enclaves insurgentes na cidade, isto é, heterotopias urbanas. Estes seriam espaços criados, definidos, reproduzidos a partir de relações de poder (...)
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    Ethics and Integrity in Research: Why Bridging the Gap Between Ethics and Integrity Matters.Susana Magalhães - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):137-147.
    Ethics and integrity should be intertwined within the concept of Responsible Research. Integrity Officers should also be Ethics Officers, enforcing compliance with rules and norms, but also raising awareness on the meaning of ethics in researchers’ daily work. Paul Ricoeur’s definition of Ethics – “the aim of living a good life with and for others in just institutions” (Ricoeur in Oneself as Another. University of Chicago Press, 1994 ) –, points out the relational dimension of Ethics that matters to all (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Sports and cultural megaevents and their consequences.Fernando Magalhães - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2).
    Retraction note: Magalhães, F. (2022). Overtourism, gentrificação e turismofobia em Lisboa. Sports and cultural megaevents and their consequences. Overtourism, gentrification and tourismophobia in Lisbon. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(6), 2–15. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We (...)
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  15.  15
    A alma e o cérebro: estudos de psicologia e de fisiologia.Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães & José Maurício de Carvalho - 2001 - Londrina: Editora UEL.
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    Ciência psicológica: objetividade ou exorcismo da incerteza; Psychological science: objectivity or exorcism of uncertainty.Mauro de Oliveira Magalhães - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 11:83-87.
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    From A to Z.Jens Carlesson Magalhães - 2022 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 33 (1):68-71.
    Review of _Key Concepts in the Study of Antisemitism, _eds. Sol Goldberg, Scott Ury and Kalman Weiser, Palgrave Critical Studies of Antisemitism and Racism (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
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    Ramón Pérez Mantilla: textos reunidos.Ramón Pérez Mantilla - 2011 - Bogotá D.C.: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Filosofía. Edited by Lisímaco Parra París & Luis Hernando Vargas.
  19. En la jubilación del Prof. Dr. Felipe Fernández Ramos: Bio-bibliografía.Ff Ramos - 1999 - Salmanticensis 46 (1):5-11.
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  20. Formação do Estado, Cidadania e Identidade Nacional: comentários sobre a formação do Estado moderno ea construção da Europa.Carlos Augusto Teixeira Magalhães - 2002 - Enfoques 1 (1).
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  21.  25
    The longevity bottleneck hypothesis: Could dinosaurs have shaped ageing in present‐day mammals?João Pedro de Magalhães - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (1):2300098.
    The evolution and biodiversity of ageing have long fascinated scientists and the public alike. While mammals, including long‐lived species such as humans, show a marked ageing process, some species of reptiles and amphibians exhibit very slow and even the absence of ageing phenotypes. How can reptiles and other vertebrates age slower than mammals? Herein, I propose that evolving during the rule of the dinosaurs left a lasting legacy in mammals. For over 100 million years when dinosaurs were the dominant predators, (...)
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  22. Searching for Otherness: The View of a Novel.Susana Magalhães & Ana Carvalho - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 16 (2):139-164.
    The ethical issues concerning the use of PGD to select embryos of a particular HLA type are numerous. They arise from the potentially conflicting interests between those of the pre-existing child, the subject of a treatment which may be curative, and those of the sibling to be created, who cannot give consent to the donation, together with the problem of the destruction of potentially healthy embryos. This essay focuses on the web of vulnerabilities affecting the parents, the sick child and (...)
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  23. Maestro Humberto Ramos Lozano, cincuenta años en el magisterio nacional, 1932-1982: un homenaje de su pueblo, 25 de marzo de 1982.Humberto Ramos Lozano - 1982 - [Apodaca, N.L.: Presidencia Municipal. Edited by Pablo Hernández Guzmán.
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    A Dimensão Ontológica do Antropoceno: Pensamento Ameríndio e Algumas Ideias para Adiar o Fim do Mundo.Juliana Neuenschwander-Magalhães - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:57-76.
    This article observes the imagination of the end of the world in the Anthropocene era and, at the same time, intends, from an anthropological turn that considers other possibilities of human existence on Earth, to imagine how Amerindian cosmovision can promote not only an ontological but also an epistemological turn in the field of contemporary law and politics. A conflicted but not impossible dialogue between the naturalistic matrix of Western thought and Amerindian multinaturalism, in search of “ideas to postpone the (...)
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  25. Ciència i pensament: què és la ciència?Ramón Carbó (ed.) - 2000 - Girona: Universitat de Girona.
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    Las víctimas del terrorismo en España e Irlanda del Norte: dinámicas de selección durante los «años de plomo» y políticas de reparación.María Jiménez Ramos - 2019 - Arbor 195 (792):511.
    ETA y el IRA, las dos organizaciones terroristas más antiguas de Europa, llegaron a las cotas más elevadas de su actividad armada durante los «años de plomo», entre 1968 y 1981. El presente artículo pretende, por un lado, aportar una radiografía de las víctimas y de los responsables de los crímenes de este período, analizando estudios previos y revisando documentación que arroja luz sobre las dinámicas de selección de las víctimas practicadas por ambos grupos, siguiendo el modelo teórico de de (...)
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    (2 other versions)L’homme et son destin, d’après les penseurs du Moyen-Age.Guido Soaje Ramos - 1961 - International Philosophical Quarterly 1 (2):356-357.
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    Autopoiesis in organization theory and practice.Rodrigo Magalhaes & Ron Sanchez (eds.) - 2009 - United Kingdom: Emerald.
    Considers the potential of autopoiesis theory to provide an alternate unifying framework for the study of organizations as systems and of organizational phenomena as emergent phenomena. This title includes papers that integrate open systems theory with the pioneering work of Maturana and Varela (1980, 1992) on autopoiesis in biological systems.
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    Megaeventos desportivos e culturais e suas consequências.Fernando Magalhães - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-15.
    Este texto visa analisar o desenvolvimento do turismo em Lisboa, nos últimos 25 anos, a partir de vários eixos centrais. Por um lado, investigaremos a realização dos megaeventos como fatores indutores do crescimento turístico. Por outro lado, ocrescimento exponencial de visitantes da cidade de Lisboa, que se deu a partirda realização da Exposição Mundial, em 1998, assim como da organização doCampeonato Europeu de Futebol, em 2004, atingiu o seu máximo no ano de 2019. Um elevado número de turistas, concentrado num (...)
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    O contributo Das congregações religiosas para a educação tradicional da mulher em portugal.Justino Pereira de Magalhães - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):151-157.
    O fator religioso foi uma componente fundamental da educação tradicional. Nas sociedades tradicionais, a mulher assumiu a delicada função de preservar as memórias e as práticas tradicionais de educação das gerações jovens. Assim, a vigilância do comportamento religioso da mulher foi muito rigorosa. As congregações religiosas, designadamente a Congregação das Ursulinas, assumiram a partir do Concilio de Trento a principal função de ensinar e educar as mulheres. Com efeito, quando se instalaram em Portugal no século XVIII, as Ursulinas tinham já (...)
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    O tilintar dos cálices de Cristo, Chico/Gil e Criolo: a questão da ética num brinde dialógico.Anderson Salvaterra Magalhães & Daniel Eduardo Candido - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (4):46-75.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, the aim is to demonstrate the ethical-semantic impact of great time in the reaccentuation of two reformulations of the expression “let this cup pass from me.” Theoretically, we describe great time as semantic sectors of existence which frame the possibilities of meaning actualized in speech genres and concrete utterances. Methodologically, the song Cálice by Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil and the RAP Cálice by Criolo are dialogically disposed in relation to their context of production, to one (...)
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  32.  17
    Toward an integrated definition of the literary phenomenon.Rafael Núñez Ramos - 1990 - Semiotica 81 (3-4):385-392.
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    De l'Etre d'un déchirement à l'indétermination de l'Etre.L. Ramos Da Silva - 2009 - Cahiers du Centre D’Études Phénoménologiques:44-66.
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  34. Filosofia e educação: confluências, de Amarildo L. Trevisan e Noeli D. Rossatto.Maria Aparecida Roseane Ramos - 2007 - Princípios 14 (22):310-317.
    Resenha do livro de Amarildo Luiz Trevisan; e Noeli Dutra Rossatto (Orgs.). Filosofia e educaçáo : confluências. Santa Maria [RS]: FACOS-UFSM, 2005. 351 páginas.
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    Charisma and Democracy: Max Weber on the Riddle of Political Change in Modern Societies.Pedro T. Magalhães - 2021 - Topoi 41 (1):69-78.
    The elite theory of Max Weber has recently been rediscovered by political scientists and political theorists who have sought to explore both the heuristic and the normative potential of plebiscitary leader democracy. Notwithstanding the merits of this wave of studies, this paper argues that attention should be shifted from Weber's context-specific defence of plebiscitary leadership in post-WWI Germany to his broader conception of charisma as an attempt to grasp the enigma of significant social and political change. Contemporary democratic theory, this (...)
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  36. Del criterio en materia de gobierno.Ramón Zelaya - 1899 - San José de C.: R., A. Greñas.
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    Should rare diseases get special treatment?Monica Magalhaes - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):86-92.
    Orphan drug policy often gives ‘special treatment’ to rare diseases, by giving additional priority or making exceptions to specific drugs, based on the rarity of the conditions they aim to treat. This essay argues that the goal of orphan drug policy should be to make prevalence irrelevant to funding decisions. It aims to demonstrate that it is severity, not prevalence, which drives our judgments that important claims are being overlooked when treatments for severe rare diseases are not funded. It shows (...)
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  38. Temporal Passage Demystified.Ernani Magalhaes - manuscript
    Time passes iff: P and then Q, for any tensed P and Q. Mary sits; and then she stands. The view—dynamic succession—accommodates the intuition that time passes when events change their A-characteristics: my next birthday is 11 months future and then 10 months future and so on. The view implies an intimate connection between passage, persistence, and change. Persistence and change both presuppose passage. The view charts a path between A-theories (invoking past, present, future) and B-theories (invoking succession). A-theories of (...)
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    Think positive! Resolving human motion ambiguity in the presence of disease threat.Ana C. Magalhães, Fábio Silva, Inês Lameirinha, Mariana Rodrigues & Sandra C. Soares - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):71-89.
    Recently, approach-avoidance tendencies and visual perception biases have been increasingly studied using bistable point-light walkers (PLWs). Prior studies have found a facing-the-viewer bias when one is primed with general threat stimuli (e.g. angry faces), explained by the “error management theory”, as failing to detect a threat as approaching is riskier than the opposite. Importantly, no study has explored how disease threat – linked to the behavioural immune system – might affect this bias. This study aimed to explore whether disease-signalling cues (...)
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  40.  12
    La concepción zubiriana de la filosofía.Antonio Pintor Ramos - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:427-496.
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    Nietzsche leitor de Schopenhauer.Flamarion Caldeira Ramos - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (1):e184476.
    This paper aims to offer an image of Nietzsche as a reader of Schopenhauer, putting aside some fundamental issues, such as the influence of Wagner and the critique of his former master in his late philosophy. Trying to isolate these aspects, I will take Nietzsche as one of the most important reader of Schopenhauer. His deep veneration does not exclude relentless criticism and his relentless criticism does not exclude his deep veneration of Schopenhauer.
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  42. Review of: Zoned Out: Regulation, Markets and Choices in Transportation and Metropolitan Land-Use, by J Levine, 2006, Washington DC: RFF Press, 224pp. [REVIEW]C. de Magalhaes - 2007 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 7:11-12.
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  43. Inscripción de obras ilegales prescritas (resoluciones de la DGRN de 17 de enero y 5 de marzo de 2012). Anexo sobre inscripción registral de las obras antiguas prescritas tras el RD Ley 8/2011: Resumen y comentarios por Joaquín Delgado Ramos[REVIEW]Joaquín Delgado Ramos - 2012 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:100 - 117.
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    Los derechos sociales de la Unión Europea: mercado o justicia.María Luisa Espada Ramos - 2001 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 35:23-58.
    Los derechos sociales no han estado incorporados en las Comunidades Europeas, sino como consecuencias de la libre circulación de personas. Poco a poco a través de la política social se han ido asumiendo exigencias sociales que han desembocado en la formulación de derechos sociales denominados hoy "derechos de la solidaridad" en la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión. No obstante, su efectividad y su justicialidad continúan siendo un interrogante y expresión del déficit de la U.E.
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  45. La aventura de la inmanencia en Bergson.M. Barroso Ramos - 2003 - Laguna 12:115-126.
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  46.  8
    Por qué las cosas son así y no de otra manera.Ramón Carbó - 2001 - [Oviedo]: Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones.
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    Filósofos de paseo.Ramón del Castillo - 2020 - Madrid: Turner Publicaciones.
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    Los signos en los Tractatus in loannem.Felipe Fernández Ramos - 1988 - Augustinus 33 (129-131):57-76.
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    Del pasado a la Historia.Antonio Gómez Ramos - 1999 - Endoxa 1 (11):227.
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    Quality evaluation of total parenteral nutrition in an acute care setting.María Jesús Gómez Ramos, Francisco Miguel González Valverde & Carmen Sánchez Álvarez - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):61-67.
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